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Whatever you are doing, ask yourself: “What is the state of my mind?”     - Dalai Lama

Mindfulness can be defined as being ‘the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something’. Many businesses are now embracing it for the benefits it offers employees with managing complex tasks, reducing stress, increasing resilience and dealing with frustration. Businesses are now seeing the benefits of implementing programs such as mindfulness to increase employee engagement and satisfaction.



"If you want to be happy, BE"

                                            - Leo Tolstoy

Mindfulness has been recently enjoying a tremendous surge in popularity. The reason can be seen in the benefits that have been reported by the people who invested in going down the path of mindfulness and self-awareness.

Some of the benefits that have been experienced are self-control, objectivity, tolerance, enhanced flexibility, equanimity, improved concentration and mental clarity, emotional intelligence and the ability to relate to others and one's self with kindness, acceptance and compassion.


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Sept 18th 2024 - Jan 15th, 2025

Parenting Teens Fundamentals
19:00-20:15 CET

Raising Powerful Teens. Parenting Teens Fundamentals is a 13 session webinar for parents and people working with kids who are interested in introducing mindfulness to them and self-awareness to their parenting and teaching.



For more information on this webinar and complete calendar click here

Dancer on Floor

Jan 22nd - May 15th, 2025

Parenting Teens: 
Difficult Emotions

19:00-20:15 CET

Parenting Teens: Difficult Emotions is a 13 session webinar in which we focus on difficult emotions, emotional regulation using mindfulness, changing automatic patterns of behavior and developing responsibility and a positive psychology. This class complements but also stands as independent from the other two parenting webinars. 



For more information on this webinar and complete calendar click here

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