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Dancer on Floor


What this Webinar Will Offer You:  


  • It will teach you and your teens how to change patterns of behavior that are not good for you and your relationships.

  • Will teach you how to regulate your emotions even in difficult circumstances and how to use mindfulness exercises to assist your children in regulating their emotions.

  • Will teach you how to discern between authentic and in-authentic emotions and teach your children to do the same

  • Will enable you to understand and transform anger in yourself and teach you how to enable your children to do the same.

  • Will teach you how to communicate your feelings without having the conversation lead to an argument.

  • Will enable you to gain freedom from your fears in any area of your life and assist you in being able to help your children do the same.

  • Will train you to practice mindful exercises and guide you in how to begin practicing them also with your children.


As parents we have a responsibility towards our children. It is important to have a basic awareness of ourselves, what triggers us, what drives us and be able to manage and regulate our emotions, so that not only we can create a loving environment for our children, but also to be able to teach them how to deal with their own difficult emotions without causing more harm towards themselves and others in doing so. Feelings are our compass and when we do not teach ourselves first and our children how to listen to them and to discern between their authentic and their in-authentic feelings, they can easily grow up not knowing what is important to them or where they really want to go in life. 


Teens similar to us have fears and often do not feel comfortable expressing them. If we do not know how to manage our fears, how to uncover them so that we are not run by them, then how can we help them in doing so?


Also children during teenage years go through a lot of developmental changes, hormonal/ physical changes and begin to become aware of a future that is up to them. These ages are very difficult for them and in many cases lead to an identity crisis. Becoming educated on how to support them in this phase of their lives is both important and imperative.


This course promises to deliver on all the above and more.





DATES AND COURSE SESSION BY SESSION (all sessions take place 19:00-20:15 Athens time)


Session 1: Our automatic parenting, the impact and how to transform it - Jan 22nd and 29th

Session 2: Being mindful of our automatic patterns and creating new ones- Feb 5th

Session 3: Authentic vs. in-authentic emotions- Feb 12th

Session 4: Dealing with Anger using Mindfulness - Feb 17th

Session 5: Types of Emotional Regulation - March 5th

Session 6: Mindful Communication: unhealthy habits - March 12th

Session 7: Mindful Communication: observation vs. accusation - March 19th

Session 8: Transforming Complaints - March 26th

Session 9: Dealing and Transforming Fear/Anxiety/Worry using Mindfulness - April 2nd

Session 10: Helping our children deal with shame and guilt - April 9th

Session 11: Uncovering our hidden Listening and hooks - April 23rd
Session 12: Acknowledging the power of beliefs - creating healthy beliefs - April 30th

Session 13: Teaching responsibility - May 14th







What People say about this Course


"I was truly happy in my marriage and couldn’t wait to have my first child, but I felt hopeless and, well, incompetent in respects to raising a child. I Turned anxious in the mere thought of it. Then, I miraculously came across the mindfulness for kids and Life courses and I thought I would give mindful parenting a chance. I had no idea what it was. Little did I know then how much of a life changing experience this would turn into! Now, being a mum is a deeply fulfilling experience in its ups and downs; my friends come to me for advice and are constantly eager to learn our family discussions and adventures; and,  my child is considered a loving, peaceful and grounded three-year-old, which comes just as a surprise to me as to everyone else considering my earlier fears. I have now moved on to other courses with Natalie and I keep feeling the transformational effects of the work we do together every step of the way, feeling truly grateful I have met her!"


- Kika G.



"Mindfulness has changed my life in many different ways on a positive note. I have benefited from the course and from Natalie’s deep commitment to mindfulness itself and her students. What Natalie has equipped us with goes way beyond the ordinary courses and it comes from her own personal experiences, resources and insight. Her knowledge and understanding of mindfulness, together with her enthusiasm, dedication and concern for each person individually is admirable. She magically knows exactly what’s the issue and she always has the best guidance on how to go about and solve it. I have taken valuable tools from her teachings and practice and thanks to her I feel better able to handle everyday stress and difficulties, being more mindful of little things and being able to notice the happy moments. Mindfulness is the best gift we can give to ourselves and Natalie makes it even more worthwhile."     


- V. C



"My son was actually bullied in elementary school by a specific kid over and over. I was really desperate, I didn’t know how to handle it and get him to understand that it’s not his fault and he should make meanings and most probably the kid that was bullying him was the one suffering etc etc. It’s really easier to make an adult to understand and not to take bullying personal but it’s a whole other level of training to get a child to understand that!Thank you Natalie for making this happen ! I don’t know how else I could have saved my son from this very common yet detrimental situation."


- D. E​


"After every Mindful Parenting session I feel full of positive energy and the power to deal with the everyday challenges of family life. Even though I have not  yet participated in many sessions with Natalie, I am already noticing how this is changing me for the better. I begun to be more aware of my thoughts and how they affect me, be more aware of my emotions and my behavior and this is helping me better understand both my self and my children and thus to better communicate with them. I have more peace of mind and this affects everyone at home. Through the sessions, I am learning, together with my children, to pause, to be mindful of and be grateful for the small everyday joys of life! We thank you Natalie."


- R. N




About Natalie


Natalie Zannettou is the founder of Mindfulness for Life. She founded this organization inside her commitment for people, and particularly kids to find true freedom. It is her belief that true freedom comes from deep self-awareness and understanding of what influences our being-ness, our actions and thus the way we live our life. 


"My dream is that we all understand our human design and nature and use this knowledge to build strong relationships, transcend personal limitations and raise free and emotionally mature and intelligent children. Understanding who we are, why we act the way we act, why we get angry when we do, why we are suffering and how to break free is key to our own happiness, success and peace of mind, but also to our children's happiness, success and inner peace. Loving them is not enough, knowing how to lovingly nurture a powerful self-concept will make all the difference."


To find out more about Natalie click here.



Register now!


To Register simply click on the Paypal button below. You do not have to use Paypal, You can use any credit card to pay. If you wish to use another form of payment or to pay monthly contact us directly. Thank you :) 



How do our Webinars work?


The program we use for our webinars is Zoom. It takes two minutes to download and once it is on your computer, phone or tablet the only thing you have to do to get in the Webinar is click on the link I will be sending the day before the Webinar. The webinars run over a series of sessions. Each session is approximately an hour and a half. You will have to log in 10 min in advance so that we can begin on time. We may run a bit after the end time. Our programs require spontaneity and following the participants' needs, so if there is an important discussion I will probably choose to complete it and run overtime. After each session you can email me questions on the material we covered. We will be sending you a video recording with the answers. 


In case you miss a session, I will be uploading the recording of the session on the webinar's page on the website the following day and it will be available for you to watch for two weeks. It is important that you listen to the recording, go over the session's handout and listen to the questions and answers so that you can catch up with the work that you missed, prior to our next session. I will also be posting there all the relevant mindful exercises for your practice, and others that you can practice with your children. Finally, I will be posting other relevant content on our webinar's web page weekly. You will have access to that for the entire duration of the webinar and after. To support the participants and create room for discussing the work we will be doing and our breakthroughs, there will be a chat room that you can choose to participate in or not. â€‹â€‹



Free Gift


As a free gift we will send you via email a handout of each session of the Webinar so that you can revisit at any time what we covered in this course. This way if you are dealing with anything as a parent in the future you can return to the distinctions of this course and the practices we will cover and use them for the rest of your life!



Another Free Gift


You will also gain access to our online platform where all the videos of Natalie answering questions on different parenting issues are. When you participate in one of our parenting webinars you can email or post questions on the discussion forum and Natalie will post a video answering them. Many of these videos are already on the platform giving you access to valuable coaching on how to mindfully deal with different challenging parenting situations. Here are some samples of the videos that you will have access to:

Guide your children to find their Compass


And Another Free Gift


Moreover, you will also gain access to videos and audio files of Natalie guiding you on how to practice fundamental mindfulness exercises at your own time and videos on how to introduce different mindfulness exercises to your kids. These exercises are designed to make it fun for children to practice mindfulness and to self-sooth.



Register now!


To Register simply click on the Paypal button below. You do not have to use Paypal, You can use any credit card to pay. If you wish to use another form of payment or to pay monthly contact us directly. Thank you :) 




If you are still not sure about the importance of participating in such a course come and join us for free for the first session of this mindful parenting webinar series. In joining you will get something that will positively affect your relationship with yourself and your children. You will also get a sense of the kind of work we do and how this work can positively affect yourself and your family and how it can give you mastery in dealing with any difficult situation that may arise in your child's life.


There are two opportunities or you to attend this first session of this Webinar series: April 22nd 9:15 pm Athens and April 29th 9:15 pm Athens. To join this first free session click on the button below and choose which of the two dates you will attend.​


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Sept 18th 2024 - Jan 15th, 2025

Parenting Teens Fundamentals
19:00-20:15 CET

Raising Powerful Teens. Parenting Teens Fundamentals is a 13 session webinar for parents and people working with kids who are interested in introducing mindfulness to them and self-awareness to their parenting and teaching.



For more information on this webinar and complete calendar click here

Dancer on Floor

Jan 22nd - May 15th, 2025

Parenting Teens: 
Difficult Emotions

19:00-20:15 CET

Parenting Teens: Difficult Emotions is a 13 session webinar in which we focus on difficult emotions, emotional regulation using mindfulness, changing automatic patterns of behavior and developing responsibility and a positive psychology. This class complements but also stands as independent from the other two parenting webinars. 



For more information on this webinar and complete calendar click here

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