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What this seminar is about:
This 1-day seminar is designed to train people in discipline and integrity. Integrity requires mindfulness and has to do with aligning one's word with ones' actions and it's key to true power and living a fulfilling life. This seminar has two primary intentions. For the participants to:
A. Be introduced to mindfulness as a practice for transcending limits and moving towards freedom,
B. Get trained in the value of INTEGRITY through self-awareness and self-inquiry.
'This is the integrity which is not constrained by limited moralities, however well-intentioned. The integrity that is profound living is the singularity of thrust of a life committed and ordering every dimension of the self towards that commitment. Thus the self is in fact shaped by the self, and focused towards that commitment.'
- Maliwada Human Development Training School
This Seminar is available for companies upon request. It's a 6 hour seminar with 3 breaks. Two 20 min breaks and one 5-10 min break. If you are interested in this seminar please email us or call 99.488091
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