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 What this seminar is about:


This 1-day seminar is designed for the participants to get trained in the fundamental mindfulness exercises and also towards awareness of our main driving forces in life, affecting our decisions, our work ethics and relationships. This seminar has three primary intentions. For the participants to: 

A. Be introduced to mindfulness as a practice for regulating stress and other difficult emotions.

B. Create self-awareness behind main emotional challenges, so that they can be addressed and dealt with at their root.

C. To have participants see their main driving forces and understand how they affect their decisions, relationships and actions in life.


Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way: in the present moment, on purpose and non-judgmentally. This practice enables us to master our attention, which is the defining factor behind our every emotion and the quality of our lives.


This Seminar is available for companies upon request. It's a 6 hour seminar with 3 breaks. Two 20 min breaks and one 5-10 min break. If you are interested in this seminar please email us or call 99.488091


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Sept 18th 2024 - Jan 15th, 2025

Parenting Teens Fundamentals
19:00-20:15 CET

Raising Powerful Teens. Parenting Teens Fundamentals is a 13 session webinar for parents and people working with kids who are interested in introducing mindfulness to them and self-awareness to their parenting and teaching.



For more information on this webinar and complete calendar click here

Dancer on Floor

Jan 22nd - May 15th, 2025

Parenting Teens: 
Difficult Emotions

19:00-20:15 CET

Parenting Teens: Difficult Emotions is a 13 session webinar in which we focus on difficult emotions, emotional regulation using mindfulness, changing automatic patterns of behavior and developing responsibility and a positive psychology. This class complements but also stands as independent from the other two parenting webinars. 



For more information on this webinar and complete calendar click here

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